Welcome to my site, where I share insights on linguistics, cognitive science, and programming. Whether exploring new ideas or personal experiences, I aim to inspire and engage with thought-provoking content.
The site is designed for ease of use, allowing you to focus on the content. You can browse posts in English, Turkish, German, and Esperanto via the navigation bar, or find my latest posts below. The page index provides quick access to key sections related to my research, projects, and collaborations.
Thank you for visiting!
Who am I?

About me: My name is Çağan. I am currently majoring in linguistics at Hacettepe University, Türkiye and am a research intern at AU-BRC laboratories. Linguistics is my greatest passion. Within it, constructed languages, phonetics & phonology, cognitive linguistics and computational linguistics are my favorite subjects. I also enjoy traveling around, fishing, wearing colorful shirts, photography, coding, and playing the guitar. You can find my detailed CV here: Curriculum Vitæ
I am currently working on developing an application called VowSpace.
You can contact me at

My brain:
This is an MRI scan of my brain, taken with the help of dear Dr. Emre at the Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Center of Excellence.
It’s eerie to think that everything you are reading here came from there. Pretty cool, right?
Page index:
VowSpace is an open-source desktop application developed with the aim of acquiring, visualizing, normalizing, and linguistically analyzing vowel sounds from audio files.
A detailed list of the talks, conference proceedings & presentations I had given with the resources that I had used.
A podcast in Turkish in which me and my friends talk about linguistics in a fun and casual way.
A collection of the laboratories that I am currently using for my research, internship and helping fellow researchers collect and analyze data and the projects I am running or involved in.
Relatively small programs and scripts I have developed, which I hope will aid linguistics students and colleagues.
My detailed curriculum vitæ.
A list of the conferences that I will be presenting this year:
Conference Name | Place | Date |
Dilbilim Öğrenci Konferansı | Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara | April 20-21st |
Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı | Kocaeli Üniversitesi, İzmit | May 16-17th |
Student Conference on Linguistics | Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul | May 31st – June 1st |
My latest posts:
- Pastırmacıdan Beklenmeyecek Bir MuhabbetYıl 2023, 36. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayındayım. Bir birinci sınıf öğrencisi olarak pek bir kuramsal bilgim olmamasına rağmen alanda çalışma yapan araştırmacıları görmek beni çok mutlu etmişti. Dilbilimle lise yıllarımdan beri… Read more: Pastırmacıdan Beklenmeyecek Bir Muhabbet
- Data-Over-Music: How Do Data-Over-Sound Protocols Like “Gibberlink” Work?A couple of days ago, I came across a video of two AIs communicating over the “Gibberlink” protocol. Many media outlets (mostly tabloids) and social media discussions framed this as… Read more: Data-Over-Music: How Do Data-Over-Sound Protocols Like “Gibberlink” Work?
- Something About Audio Coding Formats: A Weird Experiment IdeaI’m a geek when it comes to audio—linguistically and otherwise. I love the gear, the science, and the experience. Most of my audio science experience comes from recording and listening… Read more: Something About Audio Coding Formats: A Weird Experiment Idea
- Der Einsatz der Computerlinguistik in der Kognitionswissenschaft und der Laborlinguistik: Eine kleine Anekdote eines PraktikantenDies ist eine kleine Anekdote aus meiner Praktikumserfahrung am Ankara University Brain Research Center und der Arbeit an verschiedenen Projekten am Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Center of Excellence. Sie zeigt, wie… Read more: Der Einsatz der Computerlinguistik in der Kognitionswissenschaft und der Laborlinguistik: Eine kleine Anekdote eines Praktikanten
- Dilbilimci Olarak Yazılımı Lehimize KullanmakDilbilim, dışarıdan bakıldığında bilgisayar biliminden uzak görünse de aslında iki bilim dalının arakesiti oldukça kapsamlıdır (bkz. hesaplamalı dilbilim). Ancak bu yazımda, bu arakesitten ziyade, dilbilimin mikro ve makro alanlarında çalışan… Read more: Dilbilimci Olarak Yazılımı Lehimize Kullanmak
- praanscribepraanscribe is a small application for automatically transcribing audio and creating TextGrid files to be used in Praat. Purpose Praat uses the ‘TextGrid’ file format to integrate annotations into audio… Read more: praanscribe
- Assessing toki pona: Does it Fulfill the Criteria of a Human Language?toki pona (never capitalized) is a constructed language created by linguist and translator Sonja Lang, officially established in 2014 with the publishing of the book Toki Pona: The Language of… Read more: Assessing toki pona: Does it Fulfill the Criteria of a Human Language?
- When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, Walt Whitman, Türkçe ÇeviriWhen I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, belki de Walt Whitman’ın en iyi bilinen şiirlerinden biridir. Özellikle Breaking Bad dizisinde bir sahnede bu şiire yer verilmesi popülerliğini arttırmıştır. Şiirde bilge bir… Read more: When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, Walt Whitman, Türkçe Çeviri
- Two-Headed Calf, Laura Gilpin, Türkçe ÇeviriTow-Headed Calf, ilk okuduğumdan beri beni etkilemiş olan bir şiir. İnsanlar her gün gördükleri olayları kanıksar. Bir çiftçi için bir ineğin doğum yapması olağan bir olaydır ama buzağının genetik bir… Read more: Two-Headed Calf, Laura Gilpin, Türkçe Çeviri
- Mychaela: Somebody that I Used to KnowBack in 2018, I used to spend a lot of time on a particular website: penpalworld.com — A website that lets you meet new people online in an old-fashioned pen-pal… Read more: Mychaela: Somebody that I Used to Know
- Esperanto kaj plurlingva estontecoEnkonduko Ĉiam ekscitas nin, entuziasmuloj pri lingvoj, eltrovi librojn de konataj aŭtoroj, kiuj temas pri Esperanto. Antaŭ kelkaj tagoj mi tiel entuziasmiĝis, kiam mi rimarkis libron titolitan “Esperanto ve Çokdilli… Read more: Esperanto kaj plurlingva estonteco